Bremen, June 5, 2024 – With an alpha release, Univention today introduces the product Nubus for Kubernetes. Nubus bundles the long-established features for Identity & Access Management, application integration and user portal of Univention products and makes them available for cloud operation with Kubernetes. Nubus thus significantly simplifies the implementation, administration and operation of integrated, flexible solution offerings from the cloud. The new solution is now available for interested parties to test and familiarize themselves with.

Thanks to a extensive range of standardized interfaces and ready-to-use integration packages, Nubus can be used to combine applications from different providers to create solutions that can be administered easily and securely. Thanks to the portal and single sign-on, these can immediately be used very comfortably. In this way, Nubus makes it much easier to implement competitive alternatives to the closed offerings of hyperscalers. Nubus is designed for cloud service providers who want to provide integrated and easy-to-use SaaS offerings, as well as for IT departments that deploy applications for their own organization.

Nubus for Kubernetes is particularly easy to operate and scale in modern cloud-native environments. It also meets common compliance criteria such as BSI baseline protection conformity and the requirements of the German Administrative Cloud Strategy.

The alpha release of Nubus that has now been published is primarily aimed at operators of larger data centers, who test the software at an early stage and provide feedback for further development.

Nubus: Identity & Access Management Made Easy

Nubus offers administrators all the important functions for efficient and centralized management of users and access rights – thanks to configurable group affiliations and a granular roles and rights model.

For end users, Nubus simplifies and secures access to the individual IT services, as it provides a modern and intuitive web portal with single sign-on and two-factor authentication, which users can use to access all connected services.

“For organizations that want to design their IT independently of the hyperscalers’ specifications and retain control over their data and processes, Nubus creates an important prerequisite,” says Peter Ganten, CEO of Univention. “Nubus makes it possible to organize identity and access management centrally and at the same time integrate numerous applications in a common portal. Both large organizations and SaaS providers can benefit from this. They now have the option of flexibly putting together suitable solutions and scaling them easily with the help of Kubernetes.”

Consistent Continuation of the Corporate Strategy

With the development of Nubus, Univention is consistently pursuing its strategy of making the self-determined and controlled use of IT services as easy as possible for organizations.

Nubus was first released at the beginning of the year in a preliminary version of the Federal Ministry of the Interior’s openDesk project on Open CoDE, the public administration’s platform for open source software. Today’s release presents Nubus for the first time in a form independent of openDesk. A release for productive operation is planned for fall 2024.

Nubus in Univention Corporate Server (UCS) and UCS@school

The products Univention Corporate Server (UCS) and UCS@school, which is optimized for the school sector, are still available to organizations for use as a scalable software appliance on their own servers and in virtualization environments. The functions contained in these products for efficient identity and access management, the integration of third-party applications and the user portal are also part of Nubus and are based on the same code as Nubus for Kubernetes. These products therefore represent the simplest way to use Nubus in classic, non-containerized environments.

Basic technical components of Nubus

  • Management of users and groups and their rights via API & access via web interface
  • Information exchange with RFC-compliant LDAP directory server
  • Single sign-on capable identity provider with support for OpenID Connect and SAML
  • Secure authentication through 2FA and detection of brute force attacks
  • Integration APIs for integrating applications into the web portal & single sign-on option & central maintenance of cross-application user accounts
  • Kubernetes functions: Separation of services in individual containers, minimized container sizes, signed images, HELM charts e.g. for the use of existing SQL databases and load balancers, integration packages provided via containers for connecting widespread applications

About Univention

Univention, headquartered in Bremen, is a provider of open source solutions for the efficient management of digital identities and the integration of applications. Openness, scalability and ease of use are central features of Univention products and serve to realize digital sovereignty, which ensures that user organizations have control over their own data and identities as well as the ability to independently design information technology.

The product Nubus bundles central Identity & Access Management, a web portal for easy access to applications and the option of integrating applications via standardized interfaces and integration packages.

Univention Corporate Server (UCS) is an open integration platform that includes Nubus and its own App Center and enables the central management of heterogeneous IT domains. UCS can be operated as a software appliance in your own data center as well as in the cloud.

And the solution UCS@school, which is tailored to the education sector, offers school authorities an optimized platform for the simple provision of services from different providers such as learning management systems, e-mail, cloud and office applications for schools via their own school portals. Users can be imported – also automatically – from national directories and managed centrally.

Univention’s solutions are used by numerous federal states, municipalities and districts, administrations and companies throughout the DACH region.


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Logo Nubus

Peter Ganten, CEO Univention

Peter H. Ganten
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