Übersicht - App Center Provider Portal

Integrating Software Solutions in the Univention App Center Has Never Been Easier

Univention, a developer of Open Source solutions for the operation and management of enterprise software, has now launched a Univention App Center Provider Portal. The online tool makes it simpler and easier for software providers to integrate their solutions in the Univention App Center more quickly and largely independently. All the necessary software packages and information can be independently administrated, expanded, and updated. Additionally, extensive testing possibilities and automation mechanisms render maintenance even simpler.

Bremen, November 24, 2016. The IT management and operating platform Univention Corporate Server (UCS) is the flagship product of the Bremen-based company Univention GmbH. The integrated App Center offers users a range of already more than 90 practical enterprise solutions, which they can get to know, test, and integrate in their business IT. The apps can be installed and integrated in UCS’ centralized identity management system simply with just a few clicks of the mouse.

Univention has now rendered the integration of software solutions in the App Center even simpler for app providers. With the App Center Provider Portal, Univention is offering providers a state-of-the-art online tool with which they can integrate their solutions in the App Center and manage them even more quickly and independently. In addition, the Test App Center allows them to verify the interaction of their software with the Univention App Center themselves in advance.

“For all our solutions, and in the case of our App Center in particular, we set great store by allowing our users to get to know the solutions, test them, and employ them simply and conveniently We have also now managed to implement this principle for the Provider Portal and consequently for the app providers,” said Dr. Alexander Kläser, the software developer responsible for the portal interface. “It is now becoming even simpler for providers to make their applications available to new users via this platform.”

How the Univention App Center Provider Portal Works

Clearly designated input fields in the web-based Provider Portal allows providers to upload all the necessary information for their solution such as descriptions, licensing conditions, logos, and screenshots as well as the requisite files and software packages. The data are synchronized in a Test App Center immediately after saving. The new app or the updated app is then available there in its entirety so that the software providers can test their applications for themselves. Preview functions facilitate checking of the display of the app.

In addition, Univention also offers support in advanced app adaptation: Providers can upload test packages for their apps and allow them to be included in the automated test runs conducted by Univention that each application must pass before it can be published in the App Center. Any errors are made available in an error log.

Additional highlights of the App Provider Portal:

  • Reduced maintenance efforts for apps thanks to more convenient editing options
  • Automated uploading of new versions into the Test App Center via mounting of build systems via interfaces to the Provider Portal
  • Automated creation of a Docker version of the app
  • Implementation of Docker containers

Further information can be found in the latest blog article at:

Screenshots of App Center Provider Portals to download:

Übersicht - App Center Provider Portal
App Center Provider Portal -Screenshot Jenkins.
App Center Provider Portal. Beispiel: Jenkins
App Center Provider Portal - Screenshot Jenkins
App Center Provider Portal. Screenshot: Jenkins
App Center Provider Portal. Beispiel: Jenkins.
App Center Provider Portal. Beispiel: Jenkins
App Center Provider Portal. Beispiel: Jenkins.
App Center Provider Portal. Beispiel: UCS@school
App Center Provider Portal. Beispiel: UCS@school
App Center Provider Portal. Beispiel: UCS@school.
App Center Provider Portal. Beispiel: ownCloud
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